Applications accepted February 1st through April 30th Name* Email* Home Address* Home City* Home State* Home Zip Code* Telephone* Age* Do you have a Wooster UMW Connection? SelfMotherGrandmotherOther; If Other Are you an active member of Wooster UMC? Most Recent School Attended* GPA* SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA Applicant must be: A high school graduate, or Currently a college student, or A college graduate applying for graduate school Applicant must be: An active member of Wooster United Methodist Church, or A member of Wooster United Methodist Women or A relative of an active UMW member A recipient of a previous scholarship may not reapply Equal consideration will be given to applicant’s church and service activities and grades No financial information is requested A written paragraph of career goals is very helpful to the selection committee. List your School Activities List your Community Activities List your Church Activities Are you employed? By whom? What will be your area of study? Write a paragraph below stating your career goals and any personal comments you would like to make about yourself? Δ